Supermom meets Inspector Gadget

Sometimes you feel like you need the powers of Super Woman with the abilities of Inspector Gadget...cuz in the real world...Spit Happens!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Goodnight. Sleep light!

So as a new mom, I look forward to adult time.(as I tell my husband while I proceed to talk his ear off-- I talk to a 4 mos old all day...momma needs some big girl time!) this will typically happen once she goes to bed. She used to go to bed about 11:30 (I'm a night owl, and a a stay at home mom, so what do I care?) YES I would allow her to be up that late- (any judgmental people can try convincing her 7 is the new 11:30!) now for the last few weeks I've been able to put her to bed earlier, we have our routine. Bath, sing/story, nurse/rock, up to bed and if she's not already asleep, she falls asleep shortly after. DUN DUN DUN *and the plot thickens* She has GOT to be the lightest sleeper ever! an extent. For instance...she experienced Sunday Funday in full effect today while napping... there was screaming, arguing, cheering and smack talking (louder than a group of 12 year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert) She was not phased OooOooOoone bit! But boy oh boy, the moment someone cracked a beer- her eyes SHOT open. (they quickly closed) so this means 1 of 2 things: 1. My daughter is going to drink like a fish or 2. She's used to loud voices since she's been hearing them plus the TV since she was in the womb. Im hoping for the latter. The other thing that made her stir? The foot rest being put down in a recliner! SMH Gotta love the fact that she could sleep through a tornado, but pop a top and you've made yourself a lap partner until the next milk coma! I typically turn On noise machines, but sometimes you can't control everything (altho I'm DESTINED to prove this theory wrong....and I'm gonna do it! If you don't believe me, just ask me!) ;) OH and who is it who decided that babies should nap 1-2 times at her age from 1-3 hours?!? My child takes power naps. 15 mins here, 30 mins there. She may go to bed at 9pm NOW but still wakes up aaaaaat least 2-3 times to eat. By 6 months- the baby whisperers (I say this bc no one lives this dream- and if you do, you deserve this title!) claims that they should be sleeping 12 hours straight. What? Will my child magically wake up one morning and decide that she needs more beauty rest?!? Those online charts and "I know best" information is enough to drive a new mom maaaaaad! Just because your child doesn't fit their "cookie cutter" age chart, doesn't mean there is anything wrong (every kid is different- and If they weren't: trying to pick your child out of a crowd might be slightly awkward)! So whatever you do- even if you are sleep deprived and in desperate need of a permanent coffee IV...please don't Google things! Your child is not having night terrors (I doubt labor was THAT traumatic), they do not have any sort of disease or condition that causes sleeplessness and more than likely, it's just a phase! As a mom it's our job to worry, but know more times than not...they will be OK! :) If not, just sleep with one eye open at all times-new moms kinda live like zombies (minus the whole addicted to bath salts and eat someone's face thing) we like bath salts in our hot water after a long day and when we say "your cheeks are so cute, I just wanna eat you up"yeah... Totally not the bath salts talking, and we don't mean literally eat them up. Okay, kinda got off topic there but I know you're still with me (and probably thinking..."yeah...I guess she's right, sleeping...eating faces...uhhhhh") this brings me to my last and final point- its hard to understand how hard it is to be needed 24/7. It's almost like you never really fall asleep- so those 3-4 hours of straight uninterrupted sleep you got, feel more like 2- cuz at any point in time, your child could make a sound. If they do, I would be willing to put money (and I DO NOT bet!) you would wake up in a split second, fumble for your superwoman cape and use your go-go gadget arms to take care of business! As a matter of fact, I'm totally there- until next time-goodnight and sleep light (yeah yeah yeah- I don't even need to say it--it's like you know me already) ;)

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