Supermom meets Inspector Gadget

Sometimes you feel like you need the powers of Super Woman with the abilities of Inspector Gadget...cuz in the real world...Spit Happens!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bumbo Recall...

You gotta love baby gear... I mean, you look at some of the stuff they have out now and think "Dang! If only I would've thought of that!" Granted- sometimes there are kinks to need to be worked out of a product..but at what point do you realize that perhaps it's not the product, but the operator the kinks need to be worked out of?!?! Now to my point :) --> This whole Bumbo recall thing is ridic! There are warnings printed all over the gosh darn thing TELLING YOU IN CAPITAL LETTERS- do NOT leave your child unattended as it is not designed to completely restrain them, and may not prevent release if there is vigorous movement. I am sure you are probably second guessing me right now, so go ahead and go get your Bumbo...i'll wait :) FACT!. Pay close attention to the other warning that states to not place it on anything but the floor (do not place on a raised surface) and with adult supervision at all times. Bumbo's fix? Sending out a safety restraint and instructions on how to use the Bumbo properly. What is a 
restraint going to do?!? Not a lot in my opinion. Then again, considering the instructions are printed ON the Bumbo, who is to say sending instructions will do any good e
ither? Let's face the facts here people... it is a voluntary recall, which means someone got pissed that they made a mistake and decided to take it out on the poor manufacturer for their error in judgment. Again, eople make mistakes, we all do, but recognize your error and learn from it... if you chose to not read the warnings or simply ignore them....don't be surprised at your not-so-happy-ending results. Bottom line: Watch your kid- it's not intended to be a babysitting device. Unable to give your child your full attention? ( I know we can't watch them 24/7, and it takes all of 2 seconds for things to happen) don't put them in the Bumbo, chose a swing or a mat on the floor. This ranks up there with people who use blow dryers in a bathtub, and place hot coffee between their legs. Placing a weeble wobble in a bumbo on a counter or by themselves ranks right up there...SURPRISE.... "uhhh....what'd you think was gonna happen???"! <Exit soap box>

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