Supermom meets Inspector Gadget

Sometimes you feel like you need the powers of Super Woman with the abilities of Inspector Gadget...cuz in the real world...Spit Happens!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Round two- on SO many levels!

I realize I have been a terrible blogger. Really, life happens... and i say that just to make myself feel better :) The reality of it is, I sit down and have SO much i want to type, yet i let my Mac sit on the shelf with the green (fully charged) blinking light taunting me to just go ahead and blog, but instead I sit on my couch with my milky way midnight and watermelon with nerds slush and continue my daily battle with procrastination. Ill get better tomorrow, no really! (yeah, i don't believe me either!) Since my last post I have birthed another baby (9lb 4 oz baby girl via RCS, whom we call PJ), become an OCD vacuumer (and hoover floor mate-er as well), and a watcher of not 2, not 3, but 4 kids! How do I do it? Let me tell you right now, its not always easy. There are moments of sheer joy- the giggles, the witty 2 yr old banter, the smiles of the sweetest jack-o-lantern little boy (bottom teeth are in, and canines- no top teeth thru yet!), and then there are moments where I want to lock myself in the bathroom with a nice bottle of yellow tail (yes, i just said nice and yellowtail in the same sentence...we are fancy in these here parts!) and start a new routine of day drinking (of course with little big town playing in the background- and the sound of whining, crying and yelling of MOMMY/KK to accompany it- we all know the bathroom is the first GO-TO spot kids look for you.) I pick my battles though. It is like my life has become one of a poorly paid referree. I don't own any flags, or cards(well i do, but they are either flash cards or credit cards, and both don't help me in the problem solving dept unless one is purchasing me an all-inclusive trip to Mexico, and a margarita is in my hand with endless refills...just sayin!) The most ridiculous thing with toddlers is their inability to agree on ANYTHING. I mean, ANYTHING. They might HATE their little people bus, but the moment ANYONE else touches it...scratch that, glances at the general vicinity the bus is in, it is their favorite toy, and they want it. Its just the way it works! Of course, I throw out the typical mommy jargon "okay girls, you need to share" or "wait until she is done playing with it, then it will be your turn" or "she had it first, go get another ____(insert another random object, like a straw, or a block, or my flip flop). There are also things that i say on a regular basis, that just don't seem right.... like "please don't lick your friend" or "We do not write on things with our snot". The perils of motherhood at its finest, ladies and gentlemen! One of my favorite moments was my husband getting our oldest daughter out of her crib (she may be 2, but she doesn't climb out- and lets just be honest- as long as she isn't attempting to climb out, why fix what aint broken? #nojailbreakshere..oh wait, this isn't social media...hashtags don't work :) ehhhh she is nice and safe in her baby jail, and I will go along with it as long as i can ) anyways....he was getting her out of her crib as she now yells "DADDY!! I WAKIN" "DADDY! I WAKE!!!!" we know that is the cue for super dad time. He comes back out laughing hysterically with a diaper in hand- NO kid. Me- uhhhh?!? *puzzled look* B- I walked in and your daughter (yes, MY daughter- that means she was clearly up to NO good) YOUR daughter said "here daddy, i peed" and handed me this. She had taken off her diaper and taken it upon herself to remedy her "wet" feeling, then handed it to good ole daddy. Haha. It dawned on me then, that this may be my second time around as a mom, but round two was only going to get more interesting! I seriously DO love having my two girls (2yrs and the other is 3 mos, and watching my best friends kids 2 yrs and the other is 7 mos). It definitely keeps me on my toes. Plus, i get to experience the day-to-day conversations between 2 two year olds. OH MY GOODNESS!!! (yes, i say that a lot- and the 2 yr olds repeat it on a regular basis) They crack me up daily. I thought it would be hard for them to recognize I am H's mommy and S's KK, but they know. They freaking know the difference! If i ask my child who KK is, she points to me and says Mommy. If my child says Tori, S knows that its HER mommy. These girls are geniuses I tell ya, and their conversations amaze me CONSTANTLY. Today, as Im fake sleeping...(ok ok ok, maybe i was legit trying to nap... uhhhhhhh...any mom knows how funny and unrealistic THAT sentence just was and KNOWS I'm lying*) S came up to me and in the BEST frozen fashion lifts up my eyelid and asks "do wanna buil-a no-man??? OH MAN. I couldn't help but laugh (yunno, the legit out-loud kind). They have legit conversations with people (usually Tori) on their fake dora and elmo phones. They walk around with purses and babies and strollers and cell phones. Where are you going I ask them on a regular basis. Typically "to the store" or "maw maws house" or "gur-mas"(grandmas). In recent events, they were going to the store to get beer! I could've just about fallen over (now, before you go getting the wrong ideas here, we are training the girls to get the beers one day, so we have to teach them early- okay maybe that is the wrong-but-feels-so-right idea! #freelabor oh wait...dang social media autopilot again ;) haha) The second time around i am FAR more laid back than I was with my first. I realize i am NOT by ANY means supermom. I can let people help me out, and watch my kids and it doesn't mean I am a bad means I am a mom who deserves (yep! deserves, thats the word ANY mom is allowed to use) a break! It is okay to throw up your white flag after the first round and admit defeat. Wanna know why? cause tomorrow is a WHOLE new battle. One where you could make it to the end of the fight without feeling like your brain and sanity require an AMBER alert. You just have to roll with the punches (sometimes, LITERALLY!) and realize that life is crazy and that no matter what happens, you are living in the present and making memories for the future. That includes, the good (peeing in the potty, eating all their food, sharing a baby doll), the bad (the crankies, teething, potty training, meals) and the ugly (not remembering when you showered, poop where it doesn't belong, and haircuts that will come back to haunt the poor kid)!  Sometimes, round two isn't so bad after all. You just have to go to your corner (yes, mommy time out!!!) grab a drink (water, soda, wine- no judgement here) and prepare yourself for Round 2, because we ALL know its a fight in so many ways, on SO many levels....just Rocky it up and hang in there!!!

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