Supermom meets Inspector Gadget

Sometimes you feel like you need the powers of Super Woman with the abilities of Inspector Gadget...cuz in the real world...Spit Happens!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Hairy Aftermath of Pregnancy

When you first find out you're pregnant, you look forward to a few things: that "glow" that everyone always talks about, the ability to eat what you want (not eating for two, but you don't feel guilty when you decide to go back for seconds :)) the absence of that pesky friend we are so used seeing once a month(yeah, enjoy your temporary vacation Flo- your services are temporarily suspended) and the fact your hair will grow and look amazing(long, strong, shiny- if only we could hire someone to walk in front of us with a fan- it looks THAT good)! Boy did I NOT miss the hair all over my floor and in my drain. I went from washing my hair twice a week to only once!(no, I'm not a hippie tree hugger extremist who refuses to shower- I just don't need to wash it that often! I know I know- cue jealousy)
The fact of the matter is, after pregnancy, you are gonna lose all that hair, that hung on for dear life, faster than you can say supercalafradulisticexpialadocious . (yeeeeah, that word it MUCH easier to attempt to say than attempt to spell- and I use the term attempt loosely...that's a hard word and I didn't feel like googling it!)
When I brush my hair- it looks like I am a giant hair murderer with the victims lying all over the floor. The worst part is I find my hair all over my little girl (neck, hands, toes, etc)- and she's shedding as bad as I am! We are a HOT MESS!!!! I keep thinking I'm going to go bald, and the picture I have here is JUST from when I showered this morning and washed my hair...if Barbies needed wigs- I'm pretty sure I could supply them on a regular basis. They say duct tape fixes everything....and to rub a little tussin on it. At this stage in the game, I don't know that I'm ruling anything out. The other thing that worries Me is this: I like to think each hair has 9 lives. Once it's fallen out so many times, the color goes on strike and therefore grows in grey. What if this is the 9th life fir those hairs and all of this hair comes in grey?!?! Ahhhhhh!!! I have enough as is and don't need any help thank-you-very-much! I might need to invest in nice and easy stock at this rate!
The bottom line is this: whatever disappears during pregnancy, rears it's ugly head and then some once it's done. So embrace your lovely locks,while those hormones are still in full force...and if I need a hair transplant, I'll make sure to let you know where to send the donations. (Of money, not hair- that'd be a little weird, and creepy.) Have a hairy great (yep I just went know how I roll) and happy day, full of great hair! (I'll keep my fingers crossed I keep my hair in my head-well have a good talk, Ill lay down the law and work things out) I'm over this hairy situation (and typing) !!! :) Now where's the duct tape and tussin?!? :)


  1. Kim, I totally feel your pain! Your has always been twice as thick as mine period, but I'm sure it was super thick while pregnant. Which then means twice as much of your hair falls out than mine. But mine is already so thin, so I feel I will go bald before you! It is definitely nasty and I hate that I find it all over Kaelyn(it doesnt help that she thinks it is quite hilarious to play and pull on my hair also!) too! Ughhhh! The worst is cooking and finding your hair in the food and your hair was in a ponytail! I'm always like WTF, how did that get in there!

  2. Hahaha, little do people know, I am NO WHERE NEAR close to being bald. Ive MAYBE lost 1/4 of my hair since having her. You're right, i had super thick hair, which used to fall out all the time before I was pregnant. It sure was nice not having the clean the drain twice to let the bathtub drain during my showers, but now its about 4-5 times lol. Oh well :0)
