Supermom meets Inspector Gadget

Sometimes you feel like you need the powers of Super Woman with the abilities of Inspector Gadget...cuz in the real world...Spit Happens!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Clothing woes: Infants and Post Preggo Wardrobe Festivities

We all knows kids grow like weeds. In the beginning, you buy clothes about as often as you do groceries. It seems like your child too often outgrows their size in clothing before your milk has even reached its expiration date! My little Princess is about to be 4 months old, and I have decided that infant clothing sizes are ridic!!! When you think about it: if you say "My 4 month old is in 6 mos clothing", your reaction is "Wow! He/she is so big!" or "What a chunker." You then are faced with the inner struggle of "Did they just call my baby fat?" (even though you call them various versions of "chunky" all the time) versus "Heck yeah, My kid's a good eater, and is growing like a champ!" (you provide for your child, and its like 2 guys at the gym trying to see who can put on the most healthy weight). Clothing designers try to make more versatile and relevant clothing: EX: 0-3 mos or 3-6 mos clothing...which works to an extent, but in all reality most are labeled like women's clothing (in increments), they aren't always 3 mos/6 mos/9 mos etc, and what other option is there?!? LOL Therefore I have decided that infants' clothes sizing is like an expiration date...good up until the month on the tag. They should just put max length and weight on tags instead. Pounds x Inches (16W x 26L). Also, what genius decided bathing suits in popular department stores don't need snaps??? They OBVIOUSLY have never tried to get a wiggly baby out of a wet 1 piece bathing suit. I think I should just design my own infant clothing line with my solutions! :) enough about the little ones- even though they are where our shopping fund goes to these days. Every once in awhile, us moms like to look nice (which means take a shower, shave our legs, wear a shirt without spit up on it and put on clothing without an elastic waistband)...this brings me to my next rant..well...within a rant :)
Moms- "It took you 40 weeks to grow that belly, and its common knowledge that it does not disappear when the baby pops out!" We have ALL heard this (as much as we hope to defy the odds and prove everyone wrong). You are left with a work in progress and a weird in-between stage as far as clothing is concerned. SO.... My biggest complaint- finding clothes to wear post pregnancy. I KNOW you can wear maternity clothes (and believe me, I took full advantage of this- especially since I had a C-Section) but when you breastfeed, you tend to lose weight a little quicker. This unfortunately leaves you at that awkward stage where you don't fit into your old clothing, but maternity clothing fits you weird too. I still indulge and wear my maternity pants- the full panel helps with all of that "please excuse my mess-renovation in progress" going on, but your "girlish figure" is lost in the process. My husband made the comment that I "lost my butt". Hormone changes? Insecurity? Not sure why it bothered me as much as it did, but I felt almost offended that he would say such a thing! The truth: when you don't have a big ole belly, the fabric doesn't stretch and you are left with saggy butt material syndrome (yes, I made that up...we are rolling with it though). This brings me to my point- why can't someone make "in-between" clothing...For moms AND infants? There needs to be pants that accommodate the aftermath of bearing a child, without the "maternity" label. Every mom wants to get back into their old clothes, but trying stuff on after such a dramatic change is discouraging. So....
Let's start a clothing line for all of those "in-betweeners"...whatdya say?!? :) Okay...maybe in my dreams, but seriously...there's a market for something like that!! If you make it happen, I will only charge you a SMALL finders fee ;)


  1. Are you reading my mind!? This topic has been bugging me for the past 22 months!! ( since Abigail was born) lol :)

  2. I love this and excited to read more. I had a baby girl just one week before you...
